Google Maps of Southern California fires
San Diego public radio station KPBS has been knocked off of the air several times amid the wildfires ravaging southern California. In order to provide continually updated information about the locations of fires and the availability of emergency services, radio station personnel started a Google Maps page. This is at least the second time I know of when a "geographical information system" has been useful in an emergency, the other being during the aftermath of Tropical Storm Katrina when emergency services were required in rural Mississippi and Louisiana. I heard the story of the KPBS Google Maps page on NPR's Morning Edition this morning.
San Diego public radio station KPBS has been knocked off of the air several times amid the wildfires ravaging southern California. In order to provide continually updated information about the locations of fires and the availability of emergency services, radio station personnel started a Google Maps page. This is at least the second time I know of when a "geographical information system" has been useful in an emergency, the other being during the aftermath of Tropical Storm Katrina when emergency services were required in rural Mississippi and Louisiana. I heard the story of the KPBS Google Maps page on NPR's Morning Edition this morning.
I have not been here in a while - coming by to check on you and find out how you doing??
@Pamela - I have not blogging at all, either. I have been busy with teaching. I also now have to formally apply for the tenure track position which I have been filling as a temporary.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving already.
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